If you have to sell to senior level decision makers, why not look at the same resources in house. If you sell to CFO's, then talk to your own CFO to learn how they think, do and make decisions. Read More
Storytelling is the ability to create a compelling vision of the future. Great salespeople include in their stories the challenges and the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to create that future. They write the future positive outcomes with their clients as both characters and as coauthors. Use these tips to be a better storyteller. Read More
Selling requires a strong ability to diagnose the client’s problems and challenges. By diagnosing their problems and challenges, and by developing a full understanding of their root causes, the professional salesperson can build a solution that perfectly matches the client’s needs. Follow these steps to improve your ability to diagnose! Read More
How to show your clients a different way to look at savings on a purchase and how to potentially neutralize cost objections. Read More
If following through on the little things can make the right impression, why not do the little things right rather than over looking them. Going further, why not create opportunities to "follow up" on the little things to establish a positive perception.
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In the past, success in sales depended very heavily on the salesperson’s sales acumen. While sales acumen is still necessary, business acumen is now equally as important as sales acumen (and in many cases, more!). The business of sales is now the business of business. Use this list to build a plan to improve your business acumen. Read More
I have a stunning admission to make: I sing in the shower.

There. I said it. I'm a shower singer: Billie Jean; Fly Me to the Moon; The second movement of Brahms' German Requiem; Single Ladies; Birthday Sex; Macarena...they're all in my shower repertoire. Our dog LuLu loves it. My wife? Not so much.

One thing I enjoy about singing in my shower is the standing waves you hit on certain pitches Read More
The importance of taking notes in a sales meeting. 6 tips and advice including one extra piece of advice that makes your prospect take notice. Read More

Leads without cold-calling

Avatar Posted by celius under Sales
From http://celi.us 5317 days ago
Using your time on the best leads will take your sales-rate to new heights. But how do we find them? I've got a way to work your way out of cold-calling and end up with more than enough solid prospects. Read More
Salespeople open relationships. Opening relationships is built upon the ability to prospect. Follow these steps to improve your prospecting results. Read More

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