If you've done your homework, presenting a solution that exactly fits your prospects needs is a cinch. Here's how to do it. Read More
This article looks at the changes in pharma in 2010. The reality is that most of the changes are cosmetic and don't address the systemic issues. Read More
Todd Sattersten, author of Four Simple Lessons About Cost, Price, Margin and The Options Available to The 21st Century Business, was a guest on my radio show recently. I asked him: What are these 4 simple lessons about cost, price, margin and the options available to 21st century businesses? Read More
Want to know the trick to overcoming your fear of cold calling. Once you concur this fear, you can move on with making money. Read More
Listening to the radio helped me understand a couple of sales basics. When you see how others use time and value to sell their products you get an understanding of how they impact your approach. Read More
There are those who say the old school style of selling is dead, “The way we sell has changed.” Then there are those who remind us to “get back to basics.”

You could say that both view points are valid… but how do you know when the basics are still the basics, or...
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Surprisingly, sometimes saying no to your customers can actually help you to better serve them and increase the profitability of your business. Learn how to do it now. Read More
Still not sure about going for No in sales? Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton encourage you to rethink your position! Read More
Before you can make an effective sales presentation, you need to know how your prospect makes decisions. How can you find out? Pay attention! Read More
How to prepare for a first sales call with a new client or prospect. First impressions are extremely important so make sure that you don’t ruin your change. Read More

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