There is talk of change, there is moving the deck chairs around, and then there is dramatic change. It is time for the latter in sales. Read More
So you've effectively waded through the prospecting and qualifying portions of the sales process, and you've got a hot one! How do you get them to "Yes"? Find out their NEADS! Read More
Many salespeople live in fear of the "hard sell." They don't want to be the guy that hammers prospects into the sale, that manipulates them to achieve an order, that puts the salesperson's needs over the prospect's. But hard selling still works. It's just a question of if you want to go there or not. Read More
I’m continually amazed at how many B2B sales folks are not yet making social media a serious part of their sales process. Half of those people are apprehensive about trying something new and the other half believe it will be a big waste of time.

My hope is that following these 10 simple principles will get you over both of these hurdles. Read More
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your prospect will refuse to say "No" even if it's the right answer. When that happens, you'll have to step in and say it yourself. Read More
Are you taking responsibility for your sales results? Or have you fallen into the habit of blaming other people or circumstances? Read More
If you are in a highly competitive industry, you are always going up against an arch rival that’s chasing after the same business opportunities. They are a formidable foe. Just like you, they are willing to work harder than anyone else, they crank out the phone calls, they are relentless about follow-up, and if it comes down to a price war… they will practically give it away just to beat you... Read More
You sell a product or service. Your prospects might want to know how your product or service works, so you often need to tell them what it does, how it does it, and what the prospect should know about the product or service if the prospect decides to own it. But that is not selling. It is often part of selling, but it's not selling. Yet, many salespeople confuse "How a product works" with "how to Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to speak well and to convey their ideas and their solutions. This ability in great salespeople is never exercised until they have exercised the even greater communication skill of listening first, because it proves they care. Practice these ideas to improve your communication skills. Read More
Business owners know the importance of having a business plan. Sales people should view their territories as a business, then plan execute and run them accordingly. Read More

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