Salespeople are under a lot of pressure to win new business, so I’ve come up with some ideas to help you and your sales team meet your goals. The good news is your prospects are “hiding out” in some very public places. When you are looking for a way in, look for a project or challenge the prospect is facing that matches what you sell! Here are 3 ways to get the inside scoop and find new prospects Read More
How to create a great Power Point presentation. Keeping it simple and using Guy Kawasaki’s 10 20 30 rule. Read More
It's critical to stay in touch with new prospects especially in today's highly competitive world. However, there are right ways and wrongs ways to achieve this. Here is what you need to avoid doing... Read More
9 tips to make sure that you are prepared for a Power Point Presentation. How to make it work and shine the first time. Read More
Taking initiative means taking actions proactively. It means taking action before it is necessary. It is what defines professionalism, especially in sales. These four ideas will help you take initiative . . . as long as you don’t wait for directions. Read More
There are some great communication enablers for sales professionals these days. But it is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that content and the message and ultimate value are what counts, not the medium. Read More
In sales, if you are responding to an RFP, unless you have influenced the RFP, then you are more than likely wasting your time. Read More
Optimism allows the salesperson to continue in the face of adversity. It allows the salesperson to hear no and to lose deals without attaching the negative meaning that would prevent them from taking future actions. Read More
How to increase the amount your client spends with you and gain a larger portion of the wallet. Utilize other products or services that your company sells to remove the competition. Read More
The best way to demonstrate value is to increase your value to your buyer. You can differentiate not only based on what you deliver, but how you sell. Deliver value, not subservience. Read More

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