Self-discipline is the cornerstone of effectiveness in sales. Here are 7 methods for building the self-discipline and the strong foundation for success in sales. Read More
Too many sales people get caught in the trap of asking low-quality questions instead of more powerful ones. Here are suggestions that will help you ask better questions and close more sales. Read More
How to use data to help your clients make better decisions and let them purchase more from you and your company. Read More
Networking is one of those things that doesn’t come easy or natural to everyone. Who do you talk to? What do I say? How do I approach people? How long should it take? These are a few of many questions I hear about networking. Read More
I have been running through a lot of questions in my mind lately… but there is one question that keeps popping up, “Has sales become a role where only the elite survive?”

Chad Levitt from the New Sales Economy blog recently invited me for an interview on his site. He asked me some great questions and I decided to lay it all out there and share my perspective of what front line sales people ar Read More
It was a college prank, but I'm sure at least one driver must have driven up to the sign, stopped, and turned around. This happened even though there was no road construction, no bridge out, and no tree on the road from a logging truck. Read More
Grow your current sales by calling on past clients. See where you can add value and reduce the cost of sales. Read More
Thoughts on when it is okay to fail and when it is not okay to fail. These meditations focus on the contests in sales, as well as the contests in life. Sometimes it is okay to fail, but never when it is a failure that could have been prevented by additional effort. Read More
A slow and steady approach to sales and prospecting yields gr4eater results in sales and allows you to avoid the usual "ups and downs" of selling. Develop the discipline to maintain a key activities throughout the cycle instead. Read More
Prospecting doesn't have to be a drag. Here are three things you can do to take the sting out of it. Read More

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