Most sales people hate prospecting, but for all the wrong reasons. It is not the rejection as much as the lack of preparedness. Here we look at three key elements to succeed in prospecting. Read More
The openness to ideas, especially ideas that you disagree with and that make you uncomfortable, is one of the foundations of mastery. Judge these different perspectives on their effectiveness in a single situation, knowing that there is no right and wrong. Read More
In today’s Sales 2.0 environment, sales professionals, consultants, and small business owners are told that they need to create an online presence if they expect to achieve their sales goals and targets. However, too many people... Read More
I don’t think Sales 2.0 is about sales at all. Think about how people on the web give everything away for FREE. That’s not selling! Sales 2.0 is all about marketing, branding, credibility, and positioning for the future.

So what does the future of sales look like? Let’s start by painting a picture of what’s happening with sales people today… Read More
How Google alerts can be used in sales and marketing to help you see what is being said about you, your company, your product, your competitor, just about anything you can think off. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to lead. They have the ability to generate results through the efforts of others on their teams, as well as their client’s teams. Read More
What makes sales so difficult for some people and so much easier for others? Why do some companies thrive and others fail to catch on, even when they have a great concept? What is the secret to success in sales? Obviously, there are many answers to these questions, but I have discovered one that makes sales easier for almost everyone. Read More
Selling today is not only difficult, it’s downright scary! You must fight off your usual cast of competitors and still protect yourself against the dreaded “no decision.” Knowing how to appeal to the “Bully with the Juice” is a mandatory sales-skill in today’s post-bubble economy. Read More
Have you noticed that the political pundits have been using the term “Buyers Remorse” in relation to how Wall Street Democrats feel about putting Obama in the White House? I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to mix references to regrets in purchasing with voting — but that’s another story. Read More
Everyone knows listening is the key to sales, but knowing how and what to listen for is not always easy. To be effective, you have to listen for more than just what you see fitting your goals. Read More

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