Here are a couple of different ways to get interactive if you are in sales. SBU looks at different perspectives in Sales. Sales Smack gives you a chance to chime in and make a difference in the discussion and the outcome. Read More
When your client asks for something of you when it relates to a sales, make sure that you get something in return. Read More
Why is sales always in-sourced, could not some sales be approached the same way as IT contracting, finance temps, and other functions that can be better executed by a team of contracted professionals. What do you think? Read More
What makes one small business stand out from all the rest? Nine times out of ten its the owner. What the owner does, what he says and how he treats ...Customers for Life? Read More
It takes a long time for a self employed business owner to build up a reputation for great customer service. I am a caring person, and putting customer service first ...The Customer is Always Right, (Especially when you think they aren't!) Read More
The most difficult part of the sale for most people is the close. Practicing what you will say before the sales call can make the close easier. Here are 10 ways to close the sale. Read More
Yet again we can prove that selling is better than sex – and far less risky too. Finding new customers won’t get you into trouble either. You can have as many customers as you want, and as many as you can handle! Read More
Last night's halftime performance by The Who at the Superbowl had some great sales lessons. Here's what I mean... Read More
Want to see a surefire way you can sell more products or services to your clients and prospects? Here is a method that you can use to help increase your chances of landing new clients and landing new sales. Read More
Creating value can go beyond the usual in an unusual economy. Having your clients become reliant on you for more than just product or service can drive value for both clients and your company. Read More

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