Closing is the first skill or attribute a salesperson must possess. Not because they need to be able to close a deal, but because they need to obtain the commitment to open the possibility of working together, which is the first and most critical commitment the salesperson must obtain. Great salespeople obtain commitments that move the deal through the sales and buying process. Read More
Your mission as a sales person should be to find companies that have immediate wants and needs. This means that something happened or is happening to them... Read More
Your product will not be bought or sold on its price. Let me say that again: prospects do not use a money criterion when deciding what product to choose… Read More
How do you keep meetings on track? How do you make sure that you discuss everything that you need to discuss? You need to use an agenda. An article on putting and agenda together. Read More
Influence isn’t tactical. Influence is the sum of all of the foundational attributes that make you someone worth listening to in the first place. The best salespeople possess the ability to influence and persuade others, because they are people who create trust. That trust builds relationships and it helps build results. These are the keys to influence. Read More
Many sales people have a narrow view of referrals. Not only do they limit the number of people they tap for referrals, they wait too long, and limit the scope available to them. Read More
The author describes a recent car buying experience - offers some insights on how the sellers could have been more productive and provides a surprise takeaway at the end. Read More
Consider the following letter by an active head of one of the largest software company in America: Results are the only things that count. We are perfectly willing to pay ... Read More
Different Models Of Selling - Which Is best? Very often when running sales training courses I am asked what is the best way of selling. Generally i reply "It depends", which must infuriate some of my ...Different Models Of Selling - Which Is best? Read More
This recession changed the way buying decisions were made and these changes will continue. Here are five lessons learned from selling in a recession. Read More

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