Great salespeople have the ability to create high-level rapport with their prospects and their clients. Great salespeople have the ability to connect on a very human level. This rapport is built upon the salesperson’s empathy and their emotional intelligence. These attributes combine to generate trust and confidence, and they are the foundation of long-term relationships. Read More
What is the most important problem your salespeople need to overcome? Learn what seperates the winners from the losers. Read More
Want to see how you can reduce the price of your product or service and get paid the original price?

Get creative in looking for ways that your clients can buy your offerings.
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Sales is about creating positive outcomes for others. In order to create these positive outcomes for others, the salesperson has to have both the desire and the ability to do so. Caring is the desire to create these outcomes, and the force underlying the actions they take to ensure that the outcomes are achieved for their clients. Read More
If price were the deciding factor in procurement, sales would be simpler and quicker. But it's more complex than that. Read More
Too busy to pursue an MBA, Steve McKee turned to business books to educate himself on branding, marketing, and advertising. Here are his top picks. Read More
Determination is an essential attribute of great salespeople, allowing them to succeed where others fail. It provides the salesperson with an immunity to the word “no.” Determination allows the professional salesperson to persist in their efforts to acquire new clients and to succeed in delivering the outcomes they have promised. Read More
Sales people need to change their approach from "all or none" to "I can can add to that". By working on being enhancing rather than changing, you can settle buyers concern by putting the focus back on the issue rather than the transaction. Read More
If you are still a salesperson in 2010, firstly congratulations - here are 5 recommended strategies you can employ towards getting on top of your target this year. Read More
The role of the professional salespeople continues to change, and it continues to require more critical thinking and creativity. In order to succeed in sales, professional salespeople need to be resourceful, and they need to bring their creativity, their imagination, and their ability to identify and manage resources to bear on their prospect and customer’s challenges and opportunities. Read More

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