Contrary to some opinions, closed ended questions have value in sales. As with any question, it's more an issue of proper use, at the proper time, for a specific objective. Read More
Sales projections are among the most common challenges for sales people and their managers. Why? What causes these forecasts to be so far off the mark?

Here is a list of 3 steps I take to ensure my projections are accurate… Read More
Your success in sales also depends upon your ability to change, to grow, to evolve, and to adapt. This constant growth and changing is what allows you to continually create value for your company and it’s clients. The game of sales has changed. To succeed in sales now you need more than sales acumen. Read More
It continues to amaze me that so many salespeople shuffle into most of their sales calls with very little, if any, prior planning. There's a better way, and it's more effective. Read More
We have all heard the infamous sales mantra–ABC, Always Be Closing. But what about Openings? This is the essential question Anthony Iannarino, of The Sales Blog asks, what’s more important the opener or the closer? Read More
Optimism is a philosophical belief that things will work out for the best, regardless of how the situation or events look today. Optimism is a personal choice to view things positively. Optimism is a foundational success skill for sales people. Read More recently surveyed over 14,000 sales professionals surveyed on the their current economic status, attitudes to work, remuneration, through to sales targets, to key motivators, to work-life balance and everything in-between. Read More
Each month you will find the Top 10 Sales Articles of the Month at You can also cast your vote to determine the top sales article of the month.
Once a year the top articles of each month compete for the Article of the Year.

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Let’s face the facts here – as a salesperson you don’t have to pussy-foot around your clients and question them in subtle, tactful ways to find out if you were any good. If you were good, they bought your product. Your massive sales figures at the end of each day will show the world what a sensation you are, a market leader in your field. You have the magic touch – you know it and you can prove i Read More
Most sales professionals rely on email to communicate with prospects and customers. However, this could be costing you money in lost sales. Read More

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