Much of the time, consumers are in a fog - a buying fog. The buying fog is fueled by a lack of personal clarity about what they really want or desire, by their dislike or fear of salespeople (whether it be strong or mild), and by their lack of: time, money, clarity, silence, or priorities. Read More

Just Get In

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From 5356 days ago
The conventional sales wisdom has always insisted that a salesperson enter a prospect as high up the organizational chart as possible. The idea behind this approach is that authority to sign a contract is normally found at the higher levels of an organization, and that it is a waste of time to start anywhere else. Whenever one commits to a single approach, they necessarily cut themselves off from Read More
Options are not always good, especially in sales. Part of good selling in demonstrating capabilities and the ability to deliver solutions. Throwing options out, like so many things against the wall, is not the same as selling. Read More
Many sales people avoid executives for different reasons. But if you want to have lasting success with a client, you need to involve people at the executive level, either before, during or after a sales, or preferably all.
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Every salesperson hates to hear those words. But we're told we have to learn how to handle this type of rejection because it's part of sales. But if the rejection can be avoided, we can avoid having to handle it.
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For years you have been told that cold calling is dead. You have been told that you can be more successful in sales without cold calling. You have been told that new Web 2.0 technological enablers have replaced cold calling. You have been told that instead of cold calling, you should be “warm” calling. You have been lied to. Read More
You have to believe in your product or service to be a great salesperson. But belief in your product or service can be as destructive to your sales, your success, and ultimately, to your company’s survival if it becomes arrogance. Read More
Adding prospects to a sales pipeline is easy … but if they aren’t ready to buy, you’ll waste precious time that could be better spent pursuing accounts that are ready to sign. Although the economy is in strife, people are still buying. The key is to identify which prospects are ready to buy now. Read More
The internet is the first place consumers turn when gathering information on your small business. Consumers trust your website more than almost any other form of advertising.  And the web has grown to become more then a place to have a static brochure for your business, it has become an interactive and digital salesman. Read More
Sales and marketing need to be better integrated around execution. Alignment and simultaneous execution allow companies to stretch resources and dollars further and reach more profitable results. Read More

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