It isn’t the sales manager’s job to motivate their salesforce. It is their job, however, to hire self-motivated salespeople who will take the action necessary to win every day, with or without them. You can easily be one them! Read More
Most sales people face more competition than ever. And those competition are knocking on your customers' doors trying to take the business from you. Here are three strategies that can help you keep them out. Read More
Sales people need to realize that a pipeline is not a holding crate for everything they come across in the course of the day, but a place to manage real opportunities to close. Rather than having the false comfort of a "full pipe", they should be striving to clear the distractions and focus on closing and refilling the pipe with viable prospects. Read More
The author describes the day he learned about clarifying vague expressions with a little help from his mentor, Dick Harlow. Read More
Remember that your prospect is the company, not one or two individuals in it. Key roles and buyers are important, but you should also reach out and prospect some non-traditional titles or players in prospect companies, especially other executives. Read More
Sales Tip of the Day: This quick to read post talks about how to use your voice mail as part of your marketing. Read More
Paying commission wisely is a big challenge for business owners and managers. Commission can either drive sales performance, or turn your sales team into a bowl of oatmeal. Read More
I enjoy seeing business people with humble confidence work. It's a joy to see how they successfully navigate through their careers. Read More
There are a number of things you can do over in sales and life, but time is not one of the. Improve your allocation of time to the right activities and you will improve your results. Read More

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