It is time to stop paying for the sins of our fathers. There are very few salespeople today who behave like salespeople behaved in the past. Today, salespeople are smart, business-savvy professionals who have every bit as much professionalism as someone who works in any other business role, and in some cases far more. Read More
When all elements seem the same, you can be the differentiator. One way to do that is to change the way you sell, quote and respond to common requests. Change the way the game is played, change the results. Read More
Want to increase sales within your company? It’s not as hard to do as some might have you believe. Read More
Commissions are a very subjective thing, and for most sales people, a very personal thing, and rightfully so. The one thing that everyone seems to agree on is that the incentive plan should drive results. Of course, that assumes that you have the right plan in place. After that, you get little agreement.
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The Sales Bloggers Union is off to a fine start for 2010, kicking off the decade with a topic near and dear to my heart and I am sure yours, Commission Plans & Targets. Do they have to be the same old same old? If selling has changed in the post Lehman Brothers era, should incentive plans change too? Everything you ever needed to know (well almost everything).

InsideView selects "InsideView Read More
This list of sales industry leaders is composed of sales executives, writers, trainers, analysts and more, all of whom are making savvy use of many of the social media tools available today and helping usher in the renaissance they like to call ‘Sales 2.0.’ Read More
Like many salespeople and small business owners, I find staying focused during prime selling hours to be difficult.

Interruptions, minor emergencies, emails, phone calls, and a myriad of other issues and concerns are constantly trying to draw my attention away from my primary business activity—selling.

So what did I do? Read More
An article about how new client meetings should run like a good first date, with excitment and trust Read More
An overview on how to use content to make sales as opposed to an old school sales letter. Includes tips, tricks and more. Read More
Professionalism in sales requires two defining attributes. These attributes are intentions and outcomes. Intentions speak to the salespersons motivations. Outcomes speaks to their competency in helping their clients achieve their goals. Read More

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