Skimping and saving and “making due” are getting boring to the American public. When a society has been marinated in privilege and choice, a year or 18 months of cash flow limits is quite enough.However, the emotional need does not reflect the economic reality.
Learn how large and small business alike have tapped into that luxury feeling for inexpensive items. Read More
Skimping and saving and “making due” are getting boring to the American public.When a society has been marinated in privilege and choice, a year or 18 months of cash flow limits is quite enough.However, the emotional need does not reflect the economic reality.
It's time for luxury in the most unexpected places. Read More
There are two groups of people who cold call: telemarketing firms and professional salespeople. For telemarketing firms, cold calling is what they do. For professional salespeople, cold calling is one tool in an arsenal of many tools (or at least it had better be). There are many reasons that salespeople don’t like cold calling, but in professional salespeople, it is rarely a fear of rejection. I Read More
Among all the other rituals of the season, the New Year brings with it the season of goal setting, both organizational and personal. For individual sales professionals, I have always believed that goals are only half the story, a means of executing is the other. Read More
Among all the other rituals of the season, the New Year brings with it the season of goal setting, both organizational and personal.  For individual sales professionals, I have always believed that goals are only half the story, a means of executing is the other. Read More
It is easy to blame the technology for failure. But the same issues that plagued CRM, could well spoil the party for Sales 2.0. Process and adoption are two areas to consider when it comes to sales related technologies. Read More
This article contains tips and advices in growing your company. To bring your company’s offerings to a new demographic market, consider these tips. Read More
The decade and the year have come to a close, and it's time to celebrate. Once that's done, what's the first thing you will do to make 2010 a better year. Read More
This article reminds all business owners that they need to be first and foremost salespeople, and then provides tips to assist them to overcome internal barriers to picking up the telephone and personally growing their business through directly acquiring quality customers via a planned process. Read More

Quantify Yourself

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5381 days ago
They say that sales is a numbers game. It’s not a numbers game; it is far too complex and too important to be boiled to something as simple as making more calls. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to be gained by looking at some metrics and making some judgments about where you might improve your sales efforts. It’s time to Quantify Yourself. Read More

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