Are you wondering where your next sale is coming from?  If you are, then you may NOT be using a sales funnel.  This simple tool can help you identify new Read More
There are a number of thing that then to come up while selling that need mentioning, but may not merit a full post (some may argue may not merit anything at all). So in doing the year end clean up on my BlackBerry, here are some loose ends. Read More
You’ve scheduled your first meeting with a new prospective customer! You’re hoping for “beginner’s luck,” eager to make a stellar first impression — but what’s the best way to make that happen? Read More
Well it's that time of the year, the pagans celebrating the return of the sun, the Christians the coming of the son, and the retailers the coming of the dawn. So do the right thing, hug your kids, kiss your wife, and enjoy the season. Read More
A great article about the one false assumption is responsible for an almost unbelievable volume of lost revenue and protracted sales cycles. Read More
The difference between success and failure has nothing to do with what we can do and everything to do with what we will do. This is nowhere more true than in sales... Read More
After a fierce competition, close to 3,000 vote Renbor wins 48.4% of vote. "How to shorten your sales cycle" voted number one by readers. THANK YOU all who voted and supported me. Read More
Do you have a video sales pitch? You should, you know. What's a video sales pitch, you ask? Well, it's simply a sales tool that lets you communicate your message to busy potential clients in a new and exciting way using a professionally produced video and the power of the Internet. We're sure you've experienced this situation. You hope to get chance to talk with a prospect in person, but you simp Read More
Many sales people spend too much time trying to "qualify" an opportunity rather than quantifying it, both for the client and themselves. This theme seems to have resonated with with readers over at, a leading site for sales news and advice, as it was the second most read article on the site in 2009. Have a read, enjoy. Read More
Is the customer always right, or is it more important that the right decision is made. The difference between a good sales person and a great one is the ability to work with the customer to arrive at the right decision, which may not have been his initial concept. But having been presented the facts and options by a great sales rep, focused on delivering value rather than making the buyer feel Read More

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