The author describes a sales meeting delivered by his mentor, Dick Harlow, in which problem solving methodology was introduced in a fun and interesting way. Read More
Tips for using drop shipping in your home business include carefully researching suppliers. Finding drop shipping wholesalers online is not difficult and there are wholesalers networks providing large lists of drop shippers located all over the world and offering a wide variety of options. But there are also lots of horror stories out there so taking the time to research others' experiences and p Read More
Every local business agrees referrals generate leads and build customer loyalty.

But, how many local businesses have a referral system?

Most businesses earn referrals, generate leads, and build customer loyalty quite by accident.

Here, John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing talks about how to create referral systems in your business. Read More
I received a lot of feedback on my post encouraging you not to buy lead management software. That may sound a bit peculiar from a guy that earns his living selling lead management software. However, as I said, numbers don’t lie.

Chris Johnson, one of my favorite freelancers and sales cold callers, and I got into a chat about this. Read More
With an affiliate program, you pay someone a share of the sale when they sell your product. The internet has opened up opportunities for any small business to have a global workforce without the cost of hiring employees. There are people out there just waiting to sell your products for you. Read More
Last week, I asked the question, “Is the sales mindset shifting?” I want you to know exactly where I stand. Selling is about being tough, confident, smart, competitive, strategic, active, compelling, aggressive, professionally persistent, solution oriented, and slightly empathetic… It’s about hunting, and it’s about closing! If anyone is hoping to hear about a warm, fuzzy, cozy, softy approach to Read More

The 8% Solution

Avatar Posted by starresults under Sales
From 5396 days ago
An 8% improvement in the productivity of your existing sales team will result in the same sales growth as if you were to add 27% more reps. Wow! Read More
Top 10 Ways Retailers Can Sell More This Holiday Season Even though Black Friday has come and gone, there is still time for retailers to increase their chances of having a good holiday shopping season. Here are ten things you can do to boost your holiday sales in the remaining days before Christmas. Read More
Does anyone have time to talk on the phone anymore?  Do your prospects really want to talk to you?  Are you cold calling?  Seriously? With Facebook and the other million social media sites, your customers have plenty of friends.  They are not looking for someone to get to kno Read More
So first, let's dispel this unfair negativity toward persuasiveness. If we read the definition of persuade, we can see there is nothing negative or unethical or devious about the meaning of the word. Read More

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