Call it lies, misleading or what have you, you can prevent being mislead by using basic questions and follow through routines to quantify opportunities and prospect. Read More
AllBusiness sales advisor Keith Rosen describes the techniques for leaving the kind of voice mail message that will encourage potential customers to call back. When calling potential customers cold it can be difficult enough to figure out what to say and how to present your product or service when you get a live person on the other end of the line Read More
the author recounts the lessons about the elements of effective sales meetings that he learned from his mentor Dick Harlow. Read More
“The Inconvenient Truce”, a A Masterclass designed for the times and the time of year, as you are closing off the dreaded 2009, and contemplating sales in the Post Lehman Brothers era. This Masterclass, hosted by yours truly, is a whimsical attempt to cut through the noise, and help you borrow the best of all worlds, allow you to create your own Read More
Number 25 of 28 articles on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's 28 Articles for Counterinsurgency. Read More
Most sellers acknowledge that what they are fighting is the status quo, unfortunately their selling approach just confirms their sameness to the buyer. To overcome sameness, you need to sell differently. Read More
Ever wonder how to follow up with business prospects without being annoying? Keith Rosen, sales advisor at gives a sample in this video of how to talk to a prospect for permission to follow up if a potential client or customer simply isn't yet ready to buy. Here is a sample of Keith's technique. Read More
10 Ways to Say THANKS to your customers at Thanksgiving. Read More
Every time I create a new product, I get emails from people saying they don't have the money to buy it. If you've been selling anything for any length of time, you get those emails too. Today we're going to talk about where they come from and how to deal with them. Read More

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