Post 21 in a series of 28 on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's 28 Articles for Counterinsurgency. Read More
As “no decisions” grow, it makes sense to be prepared by analyzing them along with wins and losses in order to be able to get ahead of these prospect and decide the best course, including walking away and investing time and resources in other opportunities. Read More

Bookings vs. Revenue

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From 5425 days ago
Should sales people be measured and compensated on when the customer says yes, or when the deal revenue recognizes? Read More
During the next three weeks I'm going to share a three part series with you. We'll focus on building a championship pipeline! Part 1 of 3 begins with— Read More
Number 20 in a series of 28 posts on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's original 28 articles on counterinsurgency. Read More
Sometimes my personal life as a husband collides with my professional life as a sales trainer and consultant. Here's a great example. Read More
Part 17 in a 28 part series on succeeding in sales using Kilcullen's 28 articles for counterinsurgency. Read More
Most sales people spend too much time on the means rather than capitalizing on the opportunities presented by the end. Learn more on A Random Walk Up Sales Street. Read More
Clients come to me because their sales are not where they would like them to be - they want to see higher revenues in their business. They want to attract new customers. And they want me to tell them how. My answer is always the same. How much networking do you do? What do you do on a regular basis to get in front of new prospects? Read More
I hereby proclaim today a "Fearless Friday." Be fearless today! Read More

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