Number 14 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness, based upon KIlcullen's 28 Articles for Counterinsurgency. Read More
Here is your chance to ramp up you appointments and pipeline with a fresh new e-booklet: 6 Ways to Get More Sales Appointments. Download it, use it, it's FREE. Read More
A great article on the pit-falls of many sales managers - you might not realize you are committing a sales management sin until you read this! Read More
Do prospect objections leave you paralyzed? Do prospect objections make your heart start pounding and your palms sweaty? Do prospect objections give you a knot in your stomach? There is another way. Read More
Doesn't take much to lose a customer, just a little indifference. Some companies feel that if they can wear the customer down the problem will disappear, as does he customer. See how Apple goes about doing it. Read More
Confused by all the chatter about Sales 2.0? Wondering if you should jump on the bandwagon? Well, you're not alone. In this episode of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast, Christian Maurer discusses the importance of adopting the right attitude when it comes to Sales 2.0. Read More
As luxury real estate Buyers become more and more savvy--often purchasing multiple properties in a lifetime--the time spent with a luxury real estate professional has taken on a different role. No longer does a realtor need to show off the basics. These items are either self explanatory to well experienced Buyers, or often they have been well view Read More
Is it something broad, like "retail selling" or "telesales?" Or is it something specific, such as "Getting customers to see the investment potential in our ABC mutual fund," or "Adding Read More
How understanding your prospects "Risk Lens" is key to driving more sales and overcoming objections. Read More
More salespeople make the mistake of overselling their prospects than underselling. In plain English, they talk their prospect to the point where there is a readiness to buy and then talk them out of that mood, losing the interest and the order after it was there for the taking. Read More

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