Part 13 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness. This piece lays out some ideas about building trusted networks to achieve sales results. Read More
It's not just the automakers who start the new year early, sales people do too, you 2010 sales are here now. Read More
Part 12 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's original 28 Articles for counterinsurgency. Read More
When it comes to customer service, a small investment in care can make a big difference in results for both the customer and the profits of the company. Read More
Number 11 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness, based on Kilcullen's original article on counter-insurgency. The entry covers the need to avoid knee jerk reactions. Read More
A whimsical look at people, their actions, thought lines and, interesting their choices. Their actions and words at times helps to confirm some basics about sales, and at times leaves you looking for reasons as to why they act as they did to begin with. Read More
Do you need to build a telesales script or a sales presentation? Here is an easy to follow plan to build your script or a presentation; take time to answer the following nine hidden buyer questions. I call them the nine hidden buyer questions because these are the questions your prospective customers may not ask but do need answered to make a posi Read More
Do you notice any of these trends? What can be done about them? Read More
The author describes a fictional account of a sales meeting in which the new sales manager is introduced and describes his philosophy. Read More
Too often sales is focused on selling the lowest price or the idea of the best value. But those aren't always the real motivators, for many, it's the lowest perceived risk, and that's the key! Read More

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