Before you begin to sell, you will need to decide who you're going to sell to. This means finding your Target Market. If you know who you're selling to, you immediately have the advantage of being focused on a specific market and knowing who and what you need to research. Read More
Much has been written about why customers buy. There are theories about timing, about making sure you're in front of the right prospects, about the role of trust... But not as much has been written about why customers don't buy. Read More
Selling software into the Enterprise space is a lot different than selling to small businesses because you typically need a sales rep to do it. Being successful requires that you follow good leads and ignore bad ones. This article explains a sales methodology you can use to help separate the two. Read More
There is often a fine line between brilliant strategy and unethical business, it usually comes down to intent, character and the tactics used to achieve their goals. Read More
The author discusses the need for sellers to have "finish lines". Read More
The author recounts a conversation with his former boss in which the definition of failure is debated. Read More
Are you speaking poorly about your competition? Is your competition bashing you? I've known people who believe in creating doubt in the prospect's mind by pointing out a competitor's weaknesses. On the other end of the spectrum. I've known people who believe the exact opposite. They choose not to say anything negative about the competition— Read More
"I can get the same thing for only $13,000 and your price is $18,000." Hearing something like that from a prospect stops many salespeople right in their tracks. Having no better way to handle that statement, some settle for spewing sales babble such a Read More
Sending out your newsletter and your direct marketing pieces is marketing. Putting your picture on the bench at the bus stop is marketing. Sending out letters of introduction in a target neighborhood is marketing. Dropping off refrigerator magnets with your phone number is marketing. But talking to a prospect at an open house is selling. Cold call Read More
One way to avoid an end of quarter rush is to ensure that you start something new every day. Like the old song said, Miss the Start, Miss the End! Read More

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