A couple of weeks ago, I posted a reader Q & A regarding lead conversion and engaging prospects who are “just looking.” In addition to highlighting reader comments, I also promised everyone that I would share my own ideas if I found anything missing. There's just one tip I would like to add. It's very simple, but critically important! Read More
Pre-empting an objection means that you bring an objection that you expect to hear early in the sales call and then deal with the objection so it cannot be brought up again. Make sure to answer any common questions and concerns before the client can ask. By pre-empting objections before the client can raise them, you decrease resistance. Read More
We have a winner in the latest So You ThinQ Can Sell Contest. Congratulations to Mark. Find out what got Mark the most votes, as well as the actual solution used by the real team the contest was based on. Read More
Cold Calling is not dead, but it is also not the end all be all. There are things you can do to increase your success in prospecting and make use of all tools available. Here is a white paper to help you with things above the pipe. Read More
Just as savoring the various dishes of a fine meal rewards you with a sublime gastronomic experience, savoring the steps of the selling process provides you and your customer with a sublime selling/buying experience. Read More
I apologize in advance for the self-centered nature of today's post. You see, this is my 400th post on the Selling to Consumers Blog. Read More
Do you want to know why some sales people are struggling? Because they are believing all the whiners, sales snipers, and so called gurus who like to “talk” sales instead of “make” sales. These “big talkers” are filling everybody's head with junk! Read More
Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast talk with Randy Illig, co-author of "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play", to discuss the importance of creating solutions that exactly meet your clients' needs. Excellent message for all salespeople to listen to! Read More
Good selling and good coaching of a sales rep are not that different. In both cases you need to properly Engage-Discover-Gain commitment-Execute. Not always easy, but straight forward. Read More
For an online business looking to offer a secure site to encourage consumer trust, the TRUSTe Privacy Service includes the custom SMB privacy policy as well as options to display the highly recognizable TRUSTe Verified Seal. Read More

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