If I were to devote an entire article today to misconceptions in the marketplace about mobile marketing, this would be a 10,000 word post that approximately zero people would read. Honestly, I would not blame them. I probably wouldn't read it either. But there is one misconception in particular that I'd like to address because it has been perpetuated by influential folks in a number of marketing circles, especially retail Read More
What is it that your customers value? Is it a live person answering their call? Being able to get information from your web site or in email? Find out why focusing on your customer's preferences is the surest path to a thriving business Read More
Watching the changes in their own neighborhoods, as stores close and foreclosure signs keep popping up on their streets, has made even the most carefree consumers more conscious of their spending habits. Recent research suggests that this new frugal mindset is likely to stick around, even after economic pressures ease Read More
Mass following, which is following many people for the purpose of getting them to follow you back, is not beneficial. Twitter is used to build communities and have conversations with people. If you are following thousands of people for the sole purpose of getting them to follow you back, you are playing a numbers game. This doesn’t generate real followers, but people who are also trying to get their numbers high as well Read More
Read this post, which sets up the case for small businesses to find opportunity in assisting efforts to stop the flow of oil and clean up the Gulf Coast, and then add your thoughts to a related question on LinkedIn Read More
AC/DC’s decades of continuous success, millions of record sales and incredibly loyal fan base that spans generations could probably be the basis of a business school case study – just maybe not at an Ivy League school! This is a post for small businesses on what lessons they can take from AC/DC’s years of success Read More
Wondering where to begin with your SEO campaign? Start applying the lessons learned from your PPC success Read More
It is one of the biggest questions you will hear in any open forum on Social Media: Which department owns social media? It is a main topic that I will be covering at a panel discussion with the PRSA on June 8th in New York. But I wanted to outline my thoughts here and summarize some of the key sides of the debate.

While attending the SocialMediaPlus conference in Philadelphia on May 25th, I listened to the famous Frank Eliason from @ComcastCares. In his purely interactive session, Frank received this question: Do you see social media creating a convergence of marketing, PR, and customer service? Frank answered that he did not believe these areas would “converge”. Read More
Customer relationship management is all about understanding your customer. Through customer understanding, your business can deliver successfully and profitabl Read More
Have you ever badmouthed your competition? Here are 4 rules to remember so that you keep a positive attitude towards your competition. Read More

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