Small business owners intrinsically wear multiple hats. They often manage their business, finances, marketing, client service and all aspects of their business with limited time and resources. Read More
Interview with Tamar Weinberg author of New Community Rules: Marketing On The Social Web and founder of Techipedia on the habits of the most successful bloggers. The big (and small) differences between the top bloggers and the bottom Read More
Are you a struggling, frustrated or just inquisitive small business owner? Got a question you just can’t seem to find the answer for? Get a new perspective and quick tip to help point you in the right direction. Read More
If you ever hope to be any better than you are right now - whether in business or in life, you need to set and accomplish goals.  In fact, studies have shown that people with clearly defined, written goals are more successful than those without Read More
Somewhere along the line, the software vendors convinced us that this is the way to make our business better. The goal, they said, is to increase productivity half an hour at a time. On one level I agree completely. Saving time is great! It’s why we buy the better copy machine, fix the elevator and order delivery Chinese during crunch time. But when it comes to instituting a whole new system, is time saving the most crucial element for your business? Before you drop $100 per user per month on some new CRM solution, ask yourself if that makes sense given the value proposition. Is it true? Is time money? I say no Read More
Recently a colleague forwarded me a recording of a social media webcast featuring Guy Kawasaki titled “Exploring the Power of Going Social” that was originally hosted by WebEx on May 12th, 2010. For those that are not already familiar with Guy Kawasaki, he is the founding partner of Garage Technology Ventures, co-founder of Alltop, an accomplished author and a former Apple Fellow. Whatever you do, do not call him a social media expert – he does not believe these individuals exist – rather he is someone that is successfully using social media to achieve results Read More
I just read a great article on about the push to combine internet radio with some elements of social networking. Companies like Microsoft and Google, as well as the founders of Skype, have all thrown their hats into the rind with their own unique offerings.. Read More
Are you the kind of person who only uses 1 side of your business card? Why are you wasting 50% of your card? Here are 8 things that you can do on the space you don’t use Read More
Yelp is a great social tool for small business owners. Yelp can help get the word out about your small business. It's word-of-mouth marketing amplified Read More
Surfs up kids! It's summer are your ready? Better yet, is your business ready?

Summer is simply a different time of year, kids are out of school, people are on vacation, the atmosphere is more laid back in some ways and more frantic in others. Summer is the best time of year for some businesses and the worst time of year for others. Regardless of where your business fits in that spectrum you need a plan of attack to make sure you either maximize opportunity or minimize damage Read More

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