You have to ensure that all your decisions are calculated and based on sound information. This is why research and measurement are the two most important aspects of marketing – the rest are just execution tools, and that is where much of the art comes in. Read More
Do you know where your customers and prospects need help? Do you know what pain they're experiencing? Have you ever asked them? If you have, do they always say, "Nothing"? Read this post to find one simple question that can help get past the barrier Read More
The article give some good examples on how to generate free targeted traffic to your with out ever spending a signalnickle. Read More
Are you starting a business and confused about which licenses and permits to apply for? Are you at a loss with where to look for compliance information regulating your business and industry? While a handful of government regulations are applicable to all businesses, others regulations are specific to industries, such as businesses involved in tobacco and alcohol. Here are four tips for checking if your business is compliant with all laws and regulations, as well as federal, state, and local resources for further information Read More
This article shows business owners how to build a sales funnel. It takes them through the steps to optimize leads on the web Read More
Happy customers are the lifeblood of every company. Employees who can create those happy customers are worth their weight in gold. Companies often refer to these special employees as “Top Performers.” Top performers consistently demonstrate the ability to turn opportunity into success. Here’s a peek at the five common characteristics of top performers Read More
Advice for Small Business owners on how to negotiate contracts during these tough, barter and try to get the best deal. Tips on driving traffic to your small business website Read More
One of the main assets of a small company is an ability to change and adapt quickly. Even for small companies though, change can be hard if you're always worried about what the "right change" is. Evolution suggests a way to overcome this problem by focusing on how you evaluate a change instead of what specific change you make Read More
Have you put the power of pay per click advertising to work for your business yet?

Many online marketers have tried pay per click ads but given up. Even more people are intimidated by the technical details or expense of PPC. Does that sound like you?

Listen to this episode of the Click Millionaires Show to hear Scott Fox interview Perry Marshall, author of Ultimate Guide to Google Ad Words.

This free one hour podcast can help you learn: How to increase click-throughs (CTR) on your PPC ads and cost-effectively attract motivated buyers with PPC advertising.

This podcast is full of important business-building knowledge – free for you! More episodes available at
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Statistics from the Department of Labor Statistics indicate hiring is on the rise for the first time in more than a year. However, because businesses continue to be concerned about the economy, many employers are choosing to hire independent contractors/freelancers as opposed to full-time employees. Misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee can be a costly mistake.

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