We're all familiar with the economic bubble that burst, bringing us into the current recession we're working to leave behind. But is another, internal workplace bubble building? This post addresses the "employee stress bubble" as revealed by a Manpower employee survey, and its implications on both large and small businesses Read More
Myths and truths revealed about what tax obligations and financial aid limitations govern the "sin" industries of alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and firearms. Read More
Bringing visitors to your site through advertising and inbound marketing is great, but that's only half the battle. Learn how you can make an awesome landing page that will help engage your visitors and improve conversions. We'll also look at three real websites and discuss what they're doing right, and what they're doing wrong Read More
Google Pac-Man consumed 4,819,352 hours of time which equaled out to be $120,483,800 in productivity. The cost was determined by analyzing how much time was spent on Google’s homepage the day the Pac-Man logo was up (48 seconds), versus the average amount of time spent on other days (11 seconds), and was then multiplied by the number of visitors to the site that day (503,703,000) Read More
“We realized the limitations of the business planning model, looked at the accelerating social networking environment, and the lights went on!” Read More
Dynamic and relevant email programs are obviously much harder to execute with precision, so when shopping for a new ESP most marketing organizations draw comparisons based on the most difficult elements of their likely complex email software ecosystem Read More
How To Make Your Own Google Super Bowl-like Commercial For Free includes ideas and steps to make your own Google Search Story Read More
We all get programmed to say "yes." This post helps us remember the power of "NO." In our businesses and our personal lives, NO can enable us to retain our focus on our true objectives AND help us maintain our relationship Read More
Are you leaving money on the table? Here are 6 tips to make sure you maximize your sales to your existing clients. You never know how much you might be able to grow your business Read More
A lot of productivity advice seems to concentrate on making ever more elaborate lists. The thing is, writing a list isn’t some magic bullet. A list won’t necessarily help you get things done – and even if it does, it may still not be working Read More

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