Employees have access to a business's valuable information and trade secrets during their employment. But what happens when they no longer work there, or if leave to work for a competitor? It's important to consider the effect that it would have on your business if this scenario were to happen, and to take the necessary precautions. Many employers combat losing valuable employees and trade secrets to a competitor through non-compete agreements Read More
Ever wondered why Facebook is one of the most talked about topic amongst teenagers nowadays? Blame it on the girls, according to a study commissioned by UK’s National Family Week, which found that the social networking site has become one of the most important things in their lives. Read More
I asked Tamar Weinberg and Scott Monty, both social media experts to help me answer the big question: “Is social media for every business?" . Read the entire article to learn more about what they said and what I think Read More
Google and the Small Business Administration have put together some resources discussing how small businesses can use the internet to grow their companies. Read some highlights from these videos of small businesses that are marketing themselves online Read More
Tom Rath, co-author of Well-Being: The 5 Essential Elements, shared these three tips we all can follow to boost our career well-being. These tips arise from his global research on employee engagement, well-being and the strengths movement. Read More
Although you may not have a lot in common with your customers, it’s important to ask yourself what they need. According to Marilyn Suttle and Lori Jo Vest, coauthors of Who’s Your Gladys?: How to Turn Even the Most Difficult Customer into Your Biggest Fan, you need to take the time to get to know your customers. Read More
The solar energy business is heating up, to say the least, according to this post by The Franchise King, Joel Libava. (The Solar Franchise King!) Read More
Freemium is a business model that works by offering basic services or products for free, while charging a premium for more advanced special features Read More
There are many advantages and disadvantages of a partnership. Like a marriage it can be made in heaven or in hell; easy to get into, but, hard to get out. Is it right for you? It may be, but you want to enter it with your eyes wide open. Here are some tips for doing it right Read More
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, authored by Mike Michalowicz, is more than just a great book for first time entrepreneurs. This site is an endless resource of tools and information for first time entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and college entrepreneurs Read More

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