Online outsourcing is the practice of hiring third party vendors to provide services for your business via the internet. Without a doubt, online outsourcing can add value to your business. However, there are numerous vendors to choose from and it can be difficult to find the right outsourcing partner. Here are some outsourcing tips that small businesses might find useful Read More
This week the effectiveness of performance reviews came under fire in a New York Times blog. Yet this post, working on the assumption that these reviews can add value to an organization, contains 10 approaches that have been shown to increase worker productivity, especially in small businesses Read More
Procrastination is something that many small business owners will face, and it will deter them from their daily tasks to reach their goals. OneCoach provides insights on how to take charge and control this inevitable obstacle Read More
Motivating employees is perhaps one of the greatest challenges that employers face. Different employees are motivated by different things. But there are a few basic methods that work for all. Here’s a list of the top 10 ways that you can use to ensure that your entire workforce is properly motivated. After all, happy employees are a prime requisite for successful enterprises Read More
You have found your dream franchise. The next step would be buying the franchise; the big question: how will you finance the purchase Read More
Selling your business may be your ultimate goal when you start the company, or it may be a decision you come to after years of running it. Either way, you want to be able to smoothly transition your business to a new owner when the time comes. That can take planning Read More
Are you a plate spinner? No, really – I’m not talking about literal plates floating around in the air; I’m talking about the personality profile called a “scanner” by Barbara Sher in her book, Refuse to Choose. I fought, argued, and wrestled with lots of different productivity suggestions, some from my peers and friends, and others from the tips in widely regarded productivity systems, like GTD. But it wasn’t until a very close confidant pointed me in the direction of Refuse to Choose did I really find my groove Read More
Much like the age old real estate axiom, location is of utmost importance when it comes to direct digital marketing. This is true in a number of ways, and Knotice has been working very hard to leverage that reality to improve the performance of various direct digital marketing campaigns - whether campaigns are executed in the email, Web site, or mobile channel Read More
Books: falling out of fashion, perhaps, but – business books, for sure – still so amazingly practical. What’s an hour of your time worth? How much time can a business book save? I posted here last week, in this context, about John Jantsch’s new book on referral marketing.

And today it’s Melinda Emerson’s Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. I love the book, I’ve got mixed feelings about its title, and I particularly like its real-world common sense Read More
I've communicated with hundreds of startup founders over the past three years, and I've begun to notice a pattern. There are three points during the creating of a startup where the founders are most likely to close up shop. I call these the "danger points" and this post looks at how to avoid them Read More

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