Or are you starting to climb the walls? If you've been out of work for more than a couple of months, the monotony of sending resumes out, dealing with corporate HR departments, and sitting in front of your wide-screen monitor... Read More
The U.S. is the largest and strongest franchise market in the world, so naturally, franchise companies in other countries aspire to come here. However, the U.S. marketplace is littered with dozens of potholes and landmines just waiting for the unsuspecting.. Read More
Most SEO advice focuses on making your site look good to Google, but you also need to make sure it looks good to your potential visitors. This post explains the three steps you can take to increase the chances that someone will click through to your site from search engine results pages Read More
Strategic planning enables people to influence the future of their company by focusing on the important resources of time, talent, and money.. Read More
Key questions every entrepreneur must be able to answer including business, business model, customer, uniqueness and more Read More
Check out 5 of the tried-and-true money-saving tips for small business owners, including bartering and taking on an intern or apprentice Read More
Before you go running to ramp up or fix your marketing, take a bigger step back and ask whether your problem is really a business model problem Read More
Do you remember when advertising on TV or Radio was only for a few because of budget constraints? Do you remember when in order to approach a prospect for a conversation you could only cold-call? Actually, do you acknowledge how great it is to have almost free vehicles nowadays to talk to your audience (only requiring time investment)? Read More
Do you realize that you can get a business education on Twitter? Social media is a great place for learning, and discovering entrepreneurship is no exception Read More
Did you know that for every $1 you spend on an email Newsletter that you will receive $43.52 in return? There are numerous benefits to producing an email newsletter, here are 9 reasons Read More

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