's Bill Liao on what Internet entrepreneurs need at the Irish Internet Association’s Annual Conference held in Dublin Read More
You put a lot of time, effort and money into developing your business, your client base, and goodwill. You should take steps to be sure that your business name is protected. Read More
The leaders of Ireland's IT sector lined up in significant numbers at the new Aviva Stadium on Tuesday 18th May to attend the launch of EuroCloud Ireland, the Irish branch of an European Cloud Computing organisation Read More
I coined the phrase a number of years back “M50 of the job market” to describe how I viewed targeting advertised jobs in the current job market. My comparison was very evident during a radio interview this morning (Wed 19th) on Newstalk when the MD of Eirgrid revealed they received 1000 calls in one afternoon for jobs announced back in 200 Read More
I coined the phrase a number of years back “M50 of the job market” to describe how I viewed targeting advertised jobs in the current job market. My comparison was very evident during a radio interview this morning (Wed 19th) on Newstalk when the MD of Eirgrid revealed they received 1000 calls in one afternoon for jobs announced back in 200 Read More
How can you avoid pyramid scheme rip-offs when looking at network marketing businesses?

How do you know if a MLM company or direct selling "business opportunity" is a scam?

Many folks try network marketing (aka Multi-level Marketing or direct selling) as their first attempt at self-employment. The work-from-home appeal of MLM may attract your interest, especially if it's recommended by your friends or family.

Watch this short video clip from the Click Millionaires Show for 4 quick ways that you can avoid direct selling rip-offs and MLM scams. Read More
It's imperative that you assemble an Annual Operating Budget and Cash Flow Estimate and that you determine financial requirements for achieving revenue goals Read More
Have you ever considered what your signature says about you? One of the most famous signatures revealed a courageous patriot. John Hancock intentionally signed his name to the Declaration of Independence with a flourish, indicating his support for the American Revolution from British rule. Even now, “putting your John Hancock” is a euphemism for signing your name. While it’s unlikely any of our digital signatures will pack that much punch, we can definitely make good use of the real estate under our name. Read More
One of the most effective ways to grow your business is also one of the oldest: networking. Small business expert Rieva Lesonsky offers tips to make networking easier, more effective and even fun. Read More
Next week is National Small Business Week. Even if you can't make it to the events in DC you can still get involved. Read More

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