Every minute counts! If you find yourself with some spare time in your diary here are some original ideas to grow your business in every direction. Read More
Making the decision to say no to clients is not made lightly. Do you know how to recognise when you should say no? No to an existing client, no to future income, no to potential new clients? Read More
Ok, so you've heard all about social media and how it can be used to promote and market your small business. But what can social media really do for you? It's a lot of extra trouble so can it really make a difference? Well, you may want to listen to the experiences of the 20 something small business owner of a business called the Orange Possum in Hampton, Iowa. Here is her story... Read More
This podcast interview with small business consultant Becky McCray talks about an issue that is often being preached when people about marketing business. Surprisingly, however, to this day few small businesses seem to realize how helpful it could be or how easy it is to implement. If you haven't guessed yet, you may want to listen to the podcast for yourself on Bigg Success Read More
A successful interview is often the key to success in obtaining a contract or job. The decision to hire is based on first impressions, so you want to create the most positive image that you can Read More
Weldon Long went from a homeless alcoholic and ex-con to a successful entrepreneur running a 5000 Inc. company boasting $20,000,000 in sales. But his road was not an easy one. I found this story particularly inspiring and a good reminder of what is possible when suffering self doubts. It's nice to see someone else who's overcome even greater adversities to find success. Long has now written a book and is sharing his experience with others. Check out the full interview at Entrepreneurship Interviews Read More
Today we are going to continue our discussion with Tony Mancuso, author "LLC or Corporation? How to Choose the Right Form For Your Business", discover the difference between limited liability companies and corporations, discuss the different types of corporations and how you can find out which form of business is right for your company. Part 2 of a two part series Read More
Thoughts on ads on a blog and alternative ways of getting support. How do you search for good affiliate marketing programs? The post includes an interesting example of a brand new service that combines micropayments and donations in a social setting Read More
There is no business that is worth taking if it costs you your honesty and your integrity. It is difficult to walk away from deals that require you to violate your honesty and integrity, but it is even more difficult to live with what it means about you as a salesperson Read More
There some basics that every sales person needs to master, one is being able to articulate why people buy from you. Most sales people resort to marketing babble rather than delivering a concise statement that really speaks to and is meaningful to the buyer Read More

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