You cannot fail when you give more than 100 percent. In whatever endeavor you are doing, always give more than one hundred percent. You will find that whenever you do this, your rewards will always be far greater than the extra effort you expended. Some people refer to this success concept as going the extra mile. What it means is that you need to give people more than they expect. Read More
Any additional income always makes sense at any time. But during tough economic times, most everything becomes more difficult. It is hard to earn money and most things that we need to buy become more expensive. It is therefore natural to be more afraid to make decisions that will involve putting money into a business. On one hand, people are not as eager to buy and on the other hand, the cost of making your product is more expensive. Almost any business is squeezed on both ends. Read More
Ever wondered how companies are able to send you the exact information you are looking for when you have visited their web site? Welcome to the world of Literature Fulfillment using CRM automation. Read More
Small business is nice and easy to rule when you know some ways you can easily do it and when you have got some backers of course. If you do not know where to get help to set up your own small business – I will help you. Lots of people have heard about small business grant but if you want to get more info about – here you go Read More
I realize no small business owner has the intention of failing, but that’s just what many do every day when they launch their small business without a marketing plan Read More
Almost everyone would agree that starting and running a small business requires exceptional competence. However, according to studies conducted by Dr. David A. Dunning, a professor of psychology at Cornell University, most incompetent people do not know they are incompetent. In fact, people who do things poorly are usually more confident in their ability than people who do things well. The studies indicate that incompetent people have a tendency to over estimate their abilities, suggesting they are ignorant of their own ignorance Read More
In the past businesses used to compete for customers and today businesses are competing for employees. With good solid motivated employees, the revenue will follow. Here are a few things to think about when managing employees. Read More
Recently, I have read and participated in many conversations on the new optimism spreading through B2B Marketing organizations. In many ways, Social Media is simply another proof point of the power of customer-driven, inbound marketing. But now, we are seeing a whole new class of converts Read More
Review of the iPad, Kodak zi8 and Sprint Overdrive for the entrepreneur on the go by David Siteman Garland on Great Day St. Loui Read More
Do you need a trademark? Is a trademark filing important for a new e-business startup or small business web site?

This quick 5 minute video shares Scott Fox's small business startup advice on filing trademarks, copyright, incorporation, and how to protect yourself legally online.

It's another helpful free business-building video clip from Scott Fox's Click Millionaires Online Marketing Success Show at Read More

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