Three weeks ago I was asked by small business marketing Rockstar, John Jantsch, creator of the Duct Tape Marketing website, author of the New York Times Bestselling Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide (Amazon Link) and all-around fantastic small business resource (kissing a little butt here) to review his newest boo Read More
More than just a marketing tool, blogs and other online communities can be branded, developed, marketed and sold like a business or product in and of themselves. In this post and accompanying video Yaro Starak of Entrepreneurs-Journey explains how he created, sold, then bought, developed and sold multiple online properties and how you can too Read More
Many of our most-trusted online and offline marketing tactics have very little capacity to support or adapt to the context of time and place. They certainly cannot get down to specific increments of minutes and seconds, or meters and footsteps - like mobile interactions can. The mobile Web, specifically, unlocks for consumers the power to interact with, find, or demand the content they want at exactly the time and place they want it. Therefore, the mobile Web fills the gaps between layers of static, broadcast, or stationary media… between online and offline experiences… and between Web stores and physical stores Read More
Research shows that top business leaders have higher levels of Emotional Intelligence than average leaders.

Emotional Intelligence ("EQ") means you to understand the emotions, desires, and tendencies of yourself (self-awareness) as well as the people around you (other-awareness) - and are able to communicate in ways that move everyone in the direction of a common goal.

Here are a few key points to help you develop your EQ Read More
Whether it's black hat SEO, techniques on the darker side designed to make your Website more visible, actively spamming prospects with totally unwanted sales information or, if you happen to be the world's most engine, threatening content owners as part of a PR campaign, cynicism isn't a good idea in the big corporate world or the small business world where you live. How about creating value instead of trying to force your way into the market. You can catch more flies with honey. Read the full post at SEO Book. Please share your thoughts below Read More
Over the course of the day, you do a lot of communicating — from making phone calls to sending emails, it may seem like all you ever do is communicate. And, for some of you, that’s absolutely the case. However, there are ways to streamline how you communicate by outsourcing different aspects — such as managing contacts, answering phone calls, and clearing your inbox — to the many professionals and tools at your disposal Read More
Well, it may not always feel that way, concedes Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, in this interview with marketer Seth Godin. On the other hand, Anderson argues cheap labor, access to the market and many other factors have never been more favorable for entrepreneurs. Hear the rest of Anderson's thoughts in the video from Open Forum Innovation Read More
Most small business owners know they should be blogging, but how much time do you really need to spend on it to see results? Here are four reasons why you should post at least once per week if you're serious about blogging and SEO Read More
By now, you must have heard about email marketing… and if you have not, there is a good chance that you have received mail from an email marketing campaign. eMail marketing is one of the fastest growing marketing strategies right now. Read More
What almost seemed like a fad in the mid 90s is now a way of life… or is it? If you read some of the recent pundit analysis on CRM usage, you will find that most companies have not completely adopted CRM — and those that have, not all of them have done it successfully (which is a whole different subject for another time). Read More

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