Sales like other professions should require continuous development. Unfortunately many sales people do not invest sufficient time in their development, and as a result do not reach their full economic potential. Organizations also lack the conviction to continuously invest in their most important asset, their revenue engine Read More
Many businesses have information they want to remain confidential. But from time to time, information must be shared with outsiders - for example if you hire an independent contractor or enter into a joint venture with another business. In these cases, businesses use a non-disclosure agreement to protect their information. Read our 5 Tips for Making Sure Your Business Information Stays Secret with Non-Disclosure Agreement Read More
Freelance writing is a wonderful career option for a stay at home allowing her to beautifully balance work and home. Read More
Do you know that one Google search can power your heart for 9 minutes? And within a month of all Google searches, you can use the same power to pump 2 billion hours of human heart beats. Now that’s a lot more hours than what normal human beings can outlive. Read More
Old school advertising is dead! It doesn't work. This is a great article that describes some best practices for print advertising that will get you better results. Read More
Written by a marketing strategist and coach who deals with business owners all the time who want to know if Social Media is right for their business. This article outlines the 3 most popular questions business owners have about using Social Media to grow their business and answers them. Read More
As business owners – especially during these tough economic times – we can be tempted to take any job that comes our way. But the fact is we serve one niche, or deliver one product, service or a combination of the two better than any other. In order to serve our customers, our company and ourselves best we need to stay true to that. Read More
These days, since businesses are expected to provide personal service and form relationships with thousands of customers, self-service tools are a blessing Read More
Have you ever been frustrated because you can’t find your agreements? Or don’t know which of your employees last spoke to a client? Or which one of your sales brochure is the latest version? Or why don’t your employees realize that “Bob” is your high valued customer that requires special attention? Read More
Michelle, of San Ramon, CA, always knew she would be an entrepreneur, selling drawings and Sno-Cones in her neighborhood as a kid. Now she's got two kids of her own, and her product is still focused on the younger crowd in her community. GoCharmz will launch this season and she's already got plenty of buzz behind her product, using a Facebook Page and the kids in her neighborhood as an inventive way to test the market. And what's more, Michelle is giving away two sets of GoCharmz to one lucky Small Biz Stories reader Read More

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