If you're looking to implement or revise a performance bonus program in your company, this top 10 list of practices -- from the top 40 firms among almost 500 that applied for Winning Workplaces' 2010 small biz award -- can point you in the right direction Read More
Finding the right investor to finance your business plan can be a daunting task.Then, once you locate potential investors, convincing them to invest in your business is a whole new challenge. For small business owners who are looking for investors, read on to learn about places to find investors and tips to presenting a winning business case Read More
Forget everything you’ve heard about social media for a minute…
Boiled down to its essence, social media is just another means to communicate, a powerful way–because like all real communication– it’s a two-way street, an opportunity to engage and build relationships with people. Read More
This articles shows small business owners 4 tactics to consider before marketing their business. These tactics, when thought about beforehand will hopefully save the business owner valuable time and money in their marketing campaign Read More
Do you ever feel like a fraud when you succeed? You're not alone: many successful entrepreneurs feel undeserving of success. Here's how to beat it Read More
Wile E. Coyote was the poster-child for persistence and creativity in overcoming obstacles. What can his example teach you about business Read More
A consultant that can offer a quality search engine optimization service is certainly worth his weight in gold Read More
Be prepared for next year, and run your freelancing business more smoothly, with these helpful tax tips Read More
If you own a professional services practice such as a managed IT business, etc. then you know how important your marketing message can be in getting new clients. Here I offer 3 ways to improve that marketing message as food for thought Read More
This article identifies three very common organizational communication issues that can lead to a low-morale, low-trust work environment.

There are three specific examples of how the issue was originally brought to the attention of the organization's leaders, what the original intent of the communication was and then how the underlying, real issue was brought to the surface so it could be fixed.

The 3 examples are from a real client case study and were all identified in one three-hour employee meeting to begin transforming the agency to develop a "Championship Culture Read More

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