Foursquare is a game that can be beneficial to the user. Some businesses are offering Mayor Specials, Check-in Specials, Frequency Based Specials, and more. The Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center will give you 250 free points if you show the front desk your check-in screen Read More
You know you kept that Agreement right there on the credenza in your office… among the other piles and piles of paper (conservatively estimated to be equivalent to 10 trees! So much for saving the world.) Read More
This post is going to focus on the remaining best practices related to CRM Success that upper management may want to consider: Read More
Interview with Ryan Holmes CEO of Hootsuite on how Hootsuite build its business, future plans and why every entrepreneur needs to be on it Read More
Do you know anyone who is trying to sell umbrellas in rain? That's what I call a great business sense Read More
Great insights into how to build a successful career and life. Focus on giving and the getting will take care of itself Read More
There is discrimination out there that you will face as a business owner, whether you operate online or off. It’s not just a question of gender, either. There is still discrimination on the basis of anything that may set each of us apart. Changing names is no guarantee that you won’t run across a client with a problem based on your pseudonym Read More
Software as a service (online software applications) offers small businesses and team business value without the need to engage IT or spend considerable money to get started.

Common productivity gains come through improvements to common worflows such as sales pipeline management, project management and file sharing.

In addition to the ability to collaborate (simultaneously access or update), a significant benefit includes being able to access the information securely from nearly any location that has access to the Internet Read More
For the past 40 years Sesame Street has taught generations of adults to learn, think and how to react to marketing. And it's generated close to a billion dollars in revenue. Here's how you can use their strategy & techniques to generate results for your business. Big Bird & Kermit play hardball Read More
Do a quick review of all the social media stuff you have read lately. Especially take a close look at stuff supposedly addressed to sales people.

It’s all about social media “marketing.”

We’re “sales” and we work differently. We don’t have all day to generate audiences, run “campaigns,” and attract customers. And chances are if we tried (without some coaching) we would just be driving away prospects Read More

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