Networking is all about communication. This communication is a two-way process. You are networking to communicate your message, but more importantly, you are networking to communicate with others Read More
This presents an amazing opportunity for marketers – IF they spend the time to learn how to best market to Mom. When done well, Mom’s can be your biggest advocate. When not done well, Mom’s can be a thorn in your side.

Let me give you a couple tips. I have said it before, and I’ll say it again – Moms are busy. We have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. We appreciate it when you respec Read More
Here's a list of 10 ways to lose employee engagement and a list of 10 ways to create it. It's our choice. Read More
With any form of marketing, if you don’t measure , you are pretty much flushing money down the pan. Whilst the social platforms that we use to communicate are, on the whole free - your time is not, and all too often its easy to get blindsided, and fritter the day away by being too active within these networks. This guide will help you measure your social media efforts with Google Analytics. Read More
Facebook Fan Pages are in the rage nowadays for most brands and businesses. On top of providing a platform for them to market their products or services, Fan Pages also comes with an in-built analytical tool to profile your fans, demographics details and interactions on your pages called Facebook Insights. However, the data covered is only limited to fans of the page.
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Marketing your online business and attracting customers to your ecommerce store or sales page is much harder than marketing a blog or any other type of website. This article outlines the best way to market your online store or business. Read More
Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring Fluff-Free Strategies To Market and Promote Your Business by David Siteman Garland will be out late-fall 2010. Read More
I have the capability of helping so many people.I've heard way too many nightmare franchise stories during my 10 year franchise consulting career. I've decided that it's time for me to be really blunt. (More than my usual bluntness, anyway!) If you're getting "really excited about the possibilities,"... Read More
Why should someone choose you instead of your competitor?

Are you faster?
Cheaper?... Read More
Dov Gordon looks at the management decisions that help you identify the small points of high leverage and cut through the "Gordian Knots" we encounter in everyday experience when running a business to create a more efficient operation and more rewarding experience for ourselves, our customers and employees. Read More

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