Growing your business organically has been the new trend in the past several years. However, I am not talking about SEO or showing up on the first page of Google organically, I'm talking about expanding your brand in your current relationships and day-to-day business operations. What do your customers think of you and how can they expand your brand? Read More
Marketing Profs features Knotice's Director or Marketing, Josh Gordon, about how powerful direct digital marketing is to both B2B and B2C marketers. Read More
Do you have "all the luck"? Do customers find you when they're looking for you? Are you in the right place at the right time? Read More
This article is a part of our lessons learned at SXSW 2010 series. Does good marketing require math or creativity? Read More
This article is part of our series on Lessons Learned at South by Southwest 2010, a popular technology conference. How do you build a strong community? Here are three lessons learned. Read More
Think you can effectively do two things at once? Think again! Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy discuss the myth of multi-tasking and its effect on the quality of your work. Read More
Plans and goals without action are dead before they're born. Procrastination is the enemy of success; learn how to feel the fear of failure and act anyway! Read More
Unemployed Americans who take parttime or temp work may find that their unemployment benefits get cut after that job ends. It's a disincentive to work, but Congress is moving to remedy that. Read More
Neil Patel was kind enough to speak on my blog about using the web to market your business. He speaks about engaging the community and why he doesn't worry about his competition. Read More
In the New Economy, the same old USP... Unique Selling Proposition... isn't gonna cut it. Today, you need to discover Your WINNING DIFFERENCE. Read More

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