Sherlock Holmes had a remarkable ability for finding out what sort of people he was dealing with, through powers of close observation.

The salesperson must understand his customer, and his understanding must be based on facts. Read More
March is's birthday month. The Albany Insurance Professional blog has been alive and cranking out Insurance content for over a year now and I want to thank each and every person who has participated in the sites success. Read More
Many of us said we didn’t have time to blog but now it’s a regular part of our daily/weekly routine and has become second nature. So, the next logical progression is to begin integrating some interactive and engaging video content that will boost traffic and also keep visitors on your site longer. Read More
Real Estate is a highly competitive industry. The average realtor is on the transaction side 7 times per year and earns only about $50K/year. Here is one trick you can use to help increase your closes. Read More
Interview with Jessica Kim founder of Babbco on adding personality to your brand, creating community, mompreneurs and more. Read More
Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me....

Respect is something that seems to often be fleeting in today's society. In some environments it has become so absent from everyday life that many no longer expect it. Not only is this sad, it forces us to live in defensive mode constantly. Perhaps it is a result of us dealing with machines so often, we forget that human beings have feelings and Read More
Any difference that your competition can duplicate isn't a difference. You don't have to be the leader, the innovator or even deliver the highest value if you are different. Here's how to learn from Lady Gaga - the most inspired marketer of 2010. Forget the core benefits and reduce the comparable, acceptable choices to - you. Read More
Results shared from recent events where mobile marketing was used with face to face connections, as well as an audience. Is mobile marketing worth *your* time? Read More
Continuing our discussion on marketing tactic building blocks let’s talk about the block labeled Tools and how it related to referral marketing, specifically, working with Strategic Referral Partners. For this discussion, tools include items such as newsletter creation and distribution... Read More
It is funny to discover that some web analytic applications, despite their name, are not "analytic enough". Read More

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