Everything you read these days has a connection to social media, because everyone is doing it. Or are they? A chorus of voices shout 'yes' in unison, but... Read More
The last two weeks were busy with the Sugartone contest. My weekly review of business articles on BizSugar resumes again this week. As always, here are the articles I enjoyed reading on BizSugar and some of the thoughts they inspired related to international business. Read More
It’s not a hidden secret that link building is an essential part of SEO, but how you go about building links can make a huge difference in your organic visibility. Instead of having an in-house SEO or marketing department focused on link building, why not leverage the power of the entire company and have everyone contribute. Read More
According to the latest report by eMarketer, year 2010 will be the year social media makes e-mail marketing more powerful as compared to previous years. In an earlier study done by Email Stat Centre, they found out that 43% of email marketing firms are already offering social media marketing as part of their service line-up.
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This is another (unedited) excerpt from the new book Jay Conrad Levinson and I are writing:

Guerrillas know that social media and social networks are bi-directional communications tools. Most of your competitors will be stingy with their real level of interaction and conversations with the marketplace. Chat more, contribute more, and listen more than your competitors. Read More
Are you familiar with Microsharing? If you aren't, it has the same potential to do for the business environment that Twitter had with the general public.

A new white paper from Pistachio Consulting featured on the White Paper Pundit blog provides a great overview to this interesting new business communications category.

Download your free copy (no registration required) and check it out! Read More
Link building is one of the most important parts of SEO. Having a strong and ongoing link building campaign is one of the best ways to ensure the success of your website. Inbound links can be thought of as the currency of the internet. The more you have, the stronger your web presence. Read More
In my work life, I come in contact with a lot of start up micro businesses and have discovered some of the mistakes they have made. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to learn from them, and hopefully avoid the same mistakes ourselves. Read More
If your business feels stuck and unable to change quickly in order to take advantage of new markets, emerging markets, and new opportunities then it may be time for a change. Read More
Be informed: 10 essential questions to ask a bookkeeper before you hire them. It is critical for the success of your business, that the bookkeeper hired is suitably qualified, competant skilled and has the right attitude to work with you. Read More

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