Why not promote your business using one of the Twitter advertising services that have sprung up in the last 18 months or so. Here's a list of the 15 best Twitter advertising services for you to consider (so far!) Read More
Continuing education adds skills and value to your career portfolio whether you are trying to get ahead in a corporate environment or planning to start your own business. If you are looking to further your education, there are a number of great options to choose from. But the biggest obstacles most people encounter are deciding what sacrifices they are willing to make in order to meet their goal. Read More
How many times have you heard about blogging: it’s not brain surgery? Problem is, most of what you read about blogging makes assumptions you don’t know. Get the background info nobody gave you. Read More
Here’s a neat new product that just might make your small business marketing life easier, especially when it comes to building your email marketing lists at the physical store level. Here’s the scenario: You’re a small business owner with a physical store location. Lots of customers come through your door each day but you’re not maximizing the opportunity to properly collect customer email addres Read More
101 Marketing Strategies: Real marketing strategies that are working right now in the real world in terms of marketing your business. Read More
Is your company a great innovator? According to business development expert Dan Adams, author of “New Product Blueprinting: The Handbook for B2B Organic Growth,” the true litmus test is customer engagement. “Too many companies fail to factor the customer into their innovation efforts,” he says. Read More
Letting your good manners show isn’t only for face-to-face meetings with customers. You should take advantage of every opportunity to show your appreciation, especially as part of an email marketing strategy, says Steve Adams, vice president of marketing for Protus, a provider of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) communication tools for growing businesses and enterprise organizations. Read More
I come from a political background and am often asked how I made the transition from politics to small business consulting? As Thomas Mann wisely said "Everything is politics" and throughout my career, I have continued to discover the extreme truth in that statement. Read More
You're an Entrepreneur. You're a Finder. It’s non-negotiable. It's comes with the the territory. It’s part of your job description. How good are you at Finding? Read More
Always be optimizing. This is the mindset required to drive and strengthen your online presence to the point where you are always “found” wherever people are searching for your keywords. This includes prospects who are searching Google Images. You have to view images as additional mechanisms for delivering your keyword content. Read More

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