(Except Different) Years ago, people used things called public libraries to do research on a variety of things, including washing machines, and franchise opportunities. Libraries housed books and magazines that were available for people like you to use for whatever... Read More
Consistency in branding is important. But sometimes, too much consistency makes your web site boring and adds confusion for the viewer. Read More
How bad customer service impacts your business and how it can impact your business. Plus a couple of real world examples. Read More
When starting your own business there are tons of things that you will think are really important to have or do. Many of them really are not. Here is a list of things that we spent time or money on that on reflection we shouldn't have or that we managed to get away without. Read More
For sales people Sales 2.0 is a boon as long as they are smart about it. But if they don't manage their "social media footprint", it could impact their Reputation 2.0. Read More
Mail Online | The married father-of-five spent five hours in a police cell and had his DNA, fingerprints and police mugshot taken. Read More
According to a study, consumers who follow a brand on Facebook and Twitter are more likely to recommend a purchase item or service. Read More
It comes as no surprise that there is such a thing called virtual employee management. With costs rising, companies have to come up with various ways to manage the virtual employee. An excellent source. Read More
As you probably already know, the more websites that link to your website, the higher you’ll rank in search engines. Now there are a lot of shady ways to get backward links, such as buying text links from brokers or website owners. So instead of going with the short-term route, here are some legitimate ways you can build links so that you can boost your search engine traffic. Read More
The following is a guest column that offers taxes for small business advice, courtesy of UnderstandingMarketing.com and QuickBooks expert Scott Gregory. For the most part this blog focuses on marketing and public relations topics that pertain to small businesses and entrepreneurs, but since it's tax time we also want to offer a little advice to make tax season a little less stressful. Read More

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