On Thursday 25 March 2010, people in hundreds of cities around the world comes together offline to have fun and create awareness while raising money for the important cause of sprading education. Concern Worldwide has been selected by Twestival to be the recipient of our efforts because of their comprehensive and well respected approach to education.
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In today’s tough economy, it’s no longer enough to generate great ideas for your growing business. To get ahead, you have to communicate effectively to customers as part of the relationship marketing process. That means connecting on an emotional level. “You have to learn to show your value,” says Maribeth Kuzmeski, author of The Connectors: How the World’s Most Successful Read More
Every sales professional talks about referrals being one of the most successful sales techniques, but few actually pursue them. According to Jim Cross, author of Bacon & Eggs: How to be Totally Committed to Your Sales Career, referrals should be considered a by-product of excellent customer service standards. If you’re not asking for referrals, he notes, you’re only cheating yourself. Read More
Co-founder of Sunshine Suites Cheni Yerushalmi in New York City talks about building a business around a passion for community, having Gary Vaynerchuk as a celebrity endorser and tips for your business. Read More
Time management - Three common problems

When I run time management courses I learn what problems are common to many people

Then I think about what we might do to improve on the situation.

When it comes to time management, there are three very common problems that are shared by almost every busy person.

Let us list them and solve them one by one:

Three common time management problem Read More
So, if asking how many website visitors are hitting your site a mobile device is a legitimate question, how can you get the answer? Fortunately, there are a couple of methods that give some indication of mobile traffic Read More
Attracting Ideal Clients has the power to transform your business. Here are 10 Steps to Attract Your Ideal Client. Read More
As all of us small business owners come out of this recession, business has taken on a new face. Customers want to be treated differently, employees want to know more and business as a whole has changed. Here are a few tips for business leaders emerging out of this recession. Read More
Lenders are saying that the biggest reason why businesses aren't being approved for a business loan today is because they aren't prepared. Make sure you have all of your supporting documents together before stepping in front of a lender. Here are a few items that you must have before presenting yourself to a lending institution. Read More
One thing that scares a lot of professionals away from becoming freelancers is the thought of doing taxes. Taking care of your taxes shouldn’t be scary. Especially if you’re a one person business, filing your taxes can easily be done in less than 30 minutes. In this post, tips for filing taxes, as well as some great tools to help make tax time painless and easy are shared. Read More

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