Last night we were at the Weedle offices for a (very much awaited) sneak preview. The beta service goes out today and is quite promising. In a nutshell: The objective is to allow you to find the right individuals for the right task (not necessarilly job) anywhere in the world and be found as an individual by people. Read More
Competing against bigger players in your market can be tough. The usual marketing tactic used is to lower the prices which is not a healthy option for your business. This is the story of how a small business went up against very powerful competitors. Read More
According to Liberty Mutual’s latest survey, they found that men embrace and use social networking sites much more than women do. Men are more active in social media “across the board” according to the survey. Read More
Blogging has sparked a great deal of interest not only among the Internet marketers, but every aspect and all walks of life. You cannot afford to ignore the reality as movers and shakers of the Internet Marketing world adapted it in a grand style. Read More
A good brochure design excites the customer to read the copy while the content serves as the first step in the purchasing process. Ensure the effectiveness of your marketing materials by following these promotional brochure design tips and content ideas: Read More
There are those who say the old school style of selling is dead, “The way we sell has changed.” Then there are those who remind us to “get back to basics.”

You could say that both view points are valid… but how do you know when the basics are still the basics, or...
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For most people, this question is a hard one. Firstly, because we usually want both: more money and more time off. And secondly, whether we plan it this way or not... Read More
This is something I have been banging out about for a while, but what the feck! happened to Leadership in this country? Read More
Inspiration often precedes innovation, a topic I love. This is my third installment on the subject.  The first is titled, “2010: The Year o Read More
Surprisingly, sometimes saying no to your customers can actually help you to better serve them and increase the profitability of your business. Learn how to do it now. Read More

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