Tips for building a twitter following by not being a Twitter snob. Includes tips on identifying influencers and following targeted people. Read More
It seems there are more and more people becoming self employed these days - or at the very least, many folks are starting a side business, turning a hobby into some extra income or doing some type of independent contractor work. There are some mistakes you will definitely want to avoid... Read More
As important as phones can be in our daily lives, there are some reasons to avoid them entirely. Here are ten such reasons which may actually succeed in turning you into an anti-social, handsaw-owning phone avoider.. Read More
Want a great way to spice up any small business press release that’s directed at virtually any company in any industry? Send the media a press release that compares the impact of something on men compared with how the same thing affects women. Read More
Before you start a marketing campaign you need to ask yourself what you want the goal of that campaign to be. Defining the goal will not only help you decide what type of campaign strategy will work best, but also, the best way to target and execute your chosen strategy.

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If you use professional search engine marketing, then you will be able to improve your sites ability to feature highly on searches far more quickly. Read More
I'm a big fan of regularly reviewing you marketing plan. I believe that regularly reviewing your plan is just as, if not more, important as creating the plan in the first place. Marketing plan review discussions generally include metrics. Here... Read More
How to prepare for a first sales call with a new client or prospect. First impressions are extremely important so make sure that you don’t ruin your change. Read More
Many small business owners are beginning to use Twitter for business. ReTweets on Twitter can be very powerful. Read this post to see how you can get ReTweeted. Read More
There is talk of change, there is moving the deck chairs around, and then there is dramatic change. It is time for the latter in sales. Read More

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