Small business owners pining for full-fledged recovery may want to temper their enthusiasm for each and every positive economic report. The Wall Street Journal, citing a survey by human resources consulting firm Right Management, warns that 60% of workers plan to quit their jobs and look for better ones when the employment situation improves. That could mean that just when rising demand finally Read More
When entrepreneur Daphnee Surpris had the opportunity recently to help out a local nonprofit that assists at-risk teens, she jumped at the chance. As Surpris, owner of Ms. Dahlia's Cafe in Brooklyn, told the, "I got the sense that these girls are like me, but didn't grow up as fortunately as I did." Read More
Getting clients to pay on time is a common problem for small business owners. If you are running your own small company and want to stay afloat in this recovering economy, getting paid faster is more important than ever. Read More
A salary is a payment by a business in exchange for services rendered. A distribution is a payment taken out of the profits or other assets of the organization. Read More
The majority of folks that are in the market for Pension and Investment Products pay little regard to the costs associated with setting up these products. It’s understandable, as they will probably have a limited knowledge on the type of product that might suit them best or have any benchmark to gauge what the ‘typical’ cost would be. Read More
Sticking to your business strategy and vision for your company is important in the early days. Feedback should be sought and reacted to in moderation! Read More
Pricing has always been one of the greatest games in business. In lean times, this is more true than ever. The price you offer has to reflect value, convey Read More
Sir Speedy, a franchise network of printing and marketing services providers, has received a 2010 Franchisee Satisfaction Award from Franchise Business Review. The company ranked number 14 in the Top 50 Large-Class category, which includes franchise systems with 200 or... Read More
Branding is ultra important for any small business owner, entrepreneur or even a solopreneur. Some even consider small business branding as the soul of your company since it offers the emotional attachment between a customer and company. I often say branding can reveal the “off the record” conversation two people have with each other when talking about a business. Read More
Do you use thumbnails to generate reader interest for your white papers?

If you don't you're missing out on an inexpensive and powerful way to market your content. By leveraging the front cover design of your white paper, and producing a small thumbnail from that front cover, you can use it in a wide variety of ways that will create greater reader interest for your white paper. The use of thu Read More

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