During the past two years, have you brought down your telecommunication expense? Have you re-aligned your telecom needs based on your company’s up-growth or down-growth? If not, you may need a good Telecom Consulting Company. Read More
Do you remember Tom Hanks Mr. Short-Term Memory? This was a great skit (written by Conan O’Brien) in which Mr. Short-Term Memory can’t remember the last thing that just happened or was said. If you use an auto reply on... Read More
Telecommunication expense is one outflow where most companies bleed in thousands, especially when detailed cost analysis is not done. Here are few tips that can help you plug the leak. Read More
Determination is an essential attribute of great salespeople, allowing them to succeed where others fail. It provides the salesperson with an immunity to the word “no.” Determination allows the professional salesperson to persist in their efforts to acquire new clients and to succeed in delivering the outcomes they have promised. Read More
Sales people need to change their approach from "all or none" to "I can can add to that". By working on being enhancing rather than changing, you can settle buyers concern by putting the focus back on the issue rather than the transaction. Read More
We get in and out of shops on a daily basis. Some of them, leave us thinking for good or bad about that full experience.The following are two recent examples that immediately sparked in my head a few nice social media marketing ideas... Read More
Is YouTube a viable marketing channel for online businesses? What does it take to get traffic to your videos on YouTube? This article looks at the broad factors controlling your videos on Youtube and the search engine rankings they receive. Read More
I was never too keen into automatic messaging but seeing how some are using it for productivity, it's something to ponder about strategy and personal ethics. Read More
Telecommunication interruption or failure will be disastrous and cause irredeemable loss to the business. Here are few points to meet such failures. Read More
If you are still a salesperson in 2010, firstly congratulations - here are 5 recommended strategies you can employ towards getting on top of your target this year. Read More

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