It may take a moment to digest the full wisdom of this brilliant distinction. However, for businesses in the future, it's not going to be a case of what is the cost; but more about the value we bring. Read More
SaleNexus, a web-based contact management software refer to themselves as a web Contact Manager, but we feel they blur the lines between a CRM and contact management.This solution could empower our sales team with the latest features that helped them easily manage our clients and leads. Read More
An estimated 1.7 billion people worldwide now have access to the Internet according top one estimate. And figuring how to market to those people can make your small business a global player in a very short time...with the proper planning. Here from Laurel Delaney, president of is a list of things you will want to consider when taking your product global. Read More
In the past, it was possible to hide negative customer sentiment from other customers; if you were unhappy with a brand, product or service you could only share this with your immediate network via word of mouth but this is not the case any more. Every comment on blogs, articles and campaigns are public these days. This is good because people really are interacting with each other but there is a Read More
Creating new markets instead of competing in current markets can help your business in more ways than you will ever imagine. Read More
A large part of business purpose and mission is answering the question: What is value to my customers?. Indeed this may be one of the most important questions you can find the answer to. Read More
Small start-up businesses don’t usually have the resources to launch huge advertising blitzes in multiple media formats. In fact, even if you are already in business, chances are you don’t have an extensive cash allocation earmarked for promotion, or you’ve tried many different advertising approaches and vehicles and haven’t hit on a really successful campaign yet. You aren’t alone!siness Start-U Read More
There is evidence that small business is starting to see the value of social media for their operations. As it has been with search marketing it is likely that a majority adoption of the practice will take a considerable amount of time but it looks like the movement is underway, to a degree. Read More
If you operate a small business as a sole trader, partnership, company or trust, you can use this guide to find out more about. Read this article for more information. Read More
Most cities and/or counties require you to have a business license and/or permit. Check with your local government municipalities to find out what the requirements are for where you live. Depending on where you live, you should be able to get this information from your local courthouse or townhall. Read More

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