“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurmond

What makes you come alive???? Read More
Have you ever wonder how importnt personal branding is nd how it can help you cash in on your passion? Gary Varnerchuk's book: Crush it is a brilliant example to take into account. Check out this video review! Read More
The title says it all! We've found 24 cool Twitter pages that make great use of the display space Twitter offers its users. Also included are 15 resources for making your own cool Twitter background. Check it out! Read More
On this Presidents day we will take a look back at what President Reagan had to say about small business.  Americans faced a challenge in the 1980's, much like Read More
Search Engine Optimization as been critical to driving traffic to your small business website. Now, SEO is being used to help drive traffic to social media profiles. Read More
This week, my franchise business advice is directed towards prospective franchise owners; I know that the job market continues to be pretty ugly. However, there are jobs to be had. Before one of my recent monthly presentations on franchise ownership... Read More
2010 and well beyond presents a tremendous opportunity for every entrepreneur, solopreneur and business to get involved with creating online content/blogging. This episode breaks down the benefits and some big ideas. Read More
It’s easy to wind up with an overflowing toolbox, virtually speaking. There are web applications, widgets and plugins galore, all ready to make your life easier if you just sign up and start using them.

All that help can quickly turn into a problem as you try to keep track of everything. Fortunately, there are ways to keep all those helpful pieces of technology from overwhelming us Read More
How to join or start a Meet Up group. Meet people who share your interests and who can help you grow and succeed. A great way to extend your network. Read More
Everyone knows listening is the key to sales, but knowing how and what to listen for is not always easy. To be effective, you have to listen for more than just what you see fitting your goals. Read More

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