Justan Brandt at Best Damn Consultant has a post called Planning Is Easy, Follow Through Is Hard.

That started me thinking about the subject of planning versus follow through. I have to admit, I have far more things 'on paper' (written down) than I have actually followed through on. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons NOT to follow throw on some plan I've made. In the process of committing Read More
With just hours to go before the home renovation tax credit (HRTC) expires, you still have time to rush out and purchase those supplies before the Jan. 31 midnight deadline. Here are some last-minute tips and tricks Read More
Initiative is the ability to take action proactively. It means taking action before the action is required or necessary. Being a professional in sales requires many attributes, and Initiative is high on that list. It is a defining attribute of professionalism, and it creates opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Read More
This book covers the impact of We Shall Overcome not only in the civil rights movement but in other social movements of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s as well. Read More
The relation between an employer and his employee is very important. Though it is better to minimize all gaps in the relation, in fact, some amount of gaps do remain in the relationship. The various facets of the relation between the employee and the employer are included in the Employment Law. Read More
Leads have much more value than most sales reps will acknowledge. They would rather move on to new leads than to the things needed to maximize the opportunity presented by good leads over time. Read More
Ever showed up late for a meeting? Or worse, have you ever had anyone show up late for a meeting with you? Not really all that professional. Read More
Building "green" is a burgeoning industry that's quickly becoming the new wave of the future, offering varied benefits for homeowners and for the precious environment as well. Read More
Your store’s sales postcards should not only be used to carry information about your promos and discounts. These promotional materials can also serve other purposes that can be very beneficial for your customers. Remember that the more useful your postcards are, the more your customers will hold on to them. Read More
One good way to introduce your new business to the market is through brochure marketing. Being an effective vehicle of communication, customized brochures are smart investments for your new business. And knowing how to use these marketing tools to your advantage can help increase consumers’ awareness about your brand. Read More

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