Telecom contributes immensely to cost-savings through micro-analysis of expenses, by which preventive action is taken. History, clientele, expertise, structure and prices help to choose a suitable telecom consulting company. Read More
Imagine that you have to write a piece of news based solely on the information on your Facebook wall, comments from users and Twitter updates without being able to verify the accuracy of the information in online and offline venues! Read More
How twitter has helped our business over the past year - new customers and more awareness of our business Read More
This blog looks at the role of pricing and how it is managed within the context of brand building. Your natural starting point will be to base your pricing strategy around what you’ve developed within your home market. Pricing is regarded as a hugely sensitive issue, but you need to confirm whether you are pitched in the right ball park within your overseas market segment(s). Read More
In these challenging times it amazes me how often a job seeker turns up for an interview unprepared. Here are some questions to ponder before your next interview Read More
How to use your Facebook efficiently on iPhone? Facebook getting more access to technology and uploading their pictures on the website straight from their iphone cameras is not the end. Here is more...
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Want to make yourself visible in the Social Media? Here is a list of very competent tools for developing and implementing Social Media Strategies. Most of these are free but some need subscription.
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Here is the Small Business Administration's overview of franchising for the perspective small business owner. There are also some additional links for more information but here you will find a basic explanation of franchising and how it works. It's a jumping off point for those interested that will get you started and point you in the right direction to learn more. Read More
Business plans range from 20 to 50 pages in length, but, typically, they all contain the same sections. You'll find detailed overviews of what to include within each section by looking at sample business plans and going to online sources. Read More
Your objective is to hire qualified applicants. A job description will help you accomplish this objective. Read More

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